born in Nanjing in 1963. He graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Nanjing Art Institute in 1987 with a bachelor's degree. He graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Nanjing Art Institute in 2006 with a doctorate degree. Chen Qi is currently working as a professor and the Deputy Dean of Graduate School of CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), the associate director of Printmaking Art Committee of China Artists Association, and the researcher of Printmaking Department of China National Academy of Painting.
Should There Be Light . CHENQI 2024 Anhui Art Museum .ChinaHeFei
Be SelectedARTWORK:
Kun Valley of Clouds NO.2 The Uncertain Truth NO.6 Perfect Fusion No.3 The Born and Expansion of 2012 Late spring Spring River No.2 Spring River No.1 Nightmare in the garden Combine Autumn Leaf Perfect Fusion No.1 Notation of Time Creatures North underworld Notation of Time .Giant River Nature Highest wisdom Conditioned Existence Midsummer Valley of Clouds Origin of essence negative lily No.4 Summer Flower Banquet Notations of Time · The Original Book (Black) Notations of Time·Guan Lan The Immature Feather One moment 2015-11 The Origin Notation of Time No.17 Notation of Time No.16 Notation of Time No.15 Notation of Time No.14 Notation of Time No.13 Notation of Time No.12 Hi Chronicles No.1 1963PEER:SYMBIOSIS IN HARMONY .THE JOINT EXHIBITION BY CHENQI & KEISEI KOBAYASHI China Art Museum .ChinaShangHai
Be SelectedARTWORK:
Heavy environment NO.8 The Uncertain Truth NO.5 Spring River No.2 Lotus pond Perfect Fusion No.2 Perfect Fusion No.1 Beginning of summer Sperturbed No.2 Nature Highest wisdom Infinity Creatures-No.1 Mountain House of Sliced Stones Mountain of Water Chestnut Exquisite Pagoda Source Root Organ No.1 Arab Exploring the original world No.2 -2 Exploring the original world No.2 -1 Exploring the original world No.1 -2 Exploring the original world No.1 -1 lily No.3 lily No.2 dual lotus Intuit Man and Heaven The Broken Ice Lake The Immature Feather Rose Valley Sense No.1 Untitled No.32 The Cloud - Ten No.1 Reencounter Pear Blossom Notation of Time No.4 Water No.6 The Water Hearing the Spring Scenery Schema Pure Brightness Grain in Ear Beginning of Spring Rain Water Slight Heat Grain Full Summer Solstice Waking of Insects Grain Rain Great Snow Great Heat GuqinWhere belong .Chenqi 2024 Jiangsu Art Museum .ChinaNanJing
Amusement Park Dream Perfect Fusion No.3 The Born and Expansion of 2012 Late spring Spring River No.2 Autumn Leaf Perfect Fusion No.1 North underworld Nature Highest wisdom Conditioned Existence Magnificent breathless Infinity Creatures-No.1 Mountain House of Sliced Stones Mountain of Water Chestnut Exquisite Pagoda Source Root Organ No.1 Beautiful Countryside Valley of Clouds He Garden Origin of essence Summer Flower Medusa HiAs Clouds Arise . Woodblock Print Artworks by CHENQI Zhejiang Art Museum .ChinaHangZhou
Be SelectedARTWORK:
Heavy environment NO.8 Perfect Fusion No.3 Spring River No.2 Spring River No.1 midday sun Nature Highest wisdom Conditioned Existence Creatures-No.1 Right place Right time Medusa The Loud Scream The Broken Ice Lake Scrap Gold (Triptych) Lost Connection The Uncertain Truth Sense No.2 The Origin Untitled No.17 Notation of Time No.18 Chronicles No.2 1912 Water No.4 Buddha's Mudra Faramita No.2 Dreaming of Butterfly No.2 Dreaming of Butterfly No.1 Fish in the Water No.2 Fish in the Water No.1 Interpretation of Existence Dance of Lotus Lotus No.9 Lotus No.5 Beginning of Autumn Slight Cold Beginning of Winter Great Cold Spring Equinox Light Snow White Dew Winter Solstice Cold Dew e Limit of Heat Ruiguang Pagoda Autumnal Equinox Position No.6 Position No.2 Song Bridge Couryard Window No.2 Couryard Window No.1 Erhu No.1 Zither Sanxian Ruan Pipa Banboo Flute Guqin Bridge Tang Pattern Blue and White Porcelain Bowl Table No.2 Table No.1 Chair No.2 Chair No.1 Fan No.2 Fan No.1 Sweet Cherry Painted Flowers and Birds on Porcelain Bowl Teapot Teacup Summer Evening Call of Silence No.2 Call of Silence Valley Buddha LightAnimism:ChenQi Art Literature Art Center .ChinaWuHan
Be SelectedARTWORK:
Go through thick and thin together Scenery of Splendidness NO.3 Scenery of Splendidness NO.2 Scenery of Splendidness NO.1 Spring River No.2 Spring River No.1 Combine History of Nature Notation of Time Highest wisdom Creatures-No.1 Exquisite Pagoda Valley of Clouds Paradise Origin of essence lily No.1 The Cloud - Ten No.1 Reencounter Pear Blossom Playing Qin under the PineⅢ Water No.9 The Water2023 Chen Qi · Giant River Asia Art Center (Beijing) .ChinaBeiJing
Combine Autumn Leaf History of Nature Perfect Fusion No.2 Perfect Fusion No.1 Notation of Time Creatures North underworld Notation of Time .Giant River Nature Highest wisdom Conditioned Existence Exploring the original world No.1 -1 lily No.3 lily No.2 Summer Flower Notations of Time·Didgeridoo The Uncertain TruthA Place without Whence or Whither: Chen Qi Hubei Art Museum .ChinaWuHan
A Place without Whence or Whither Notation of Time .Azalea Notation of Time .Giant River Endless Self-portrait My own eyes Beginning of summer Sperturbed No.2 Nature The Uncertain Truth No.4 Highest wisdom Conditioned Existence Magnificent breathless Infinity Creatures-No.1 Mountain House of Sliced Stones Mountain of Water Chestnut Exquisite Pagoda Source Root Organ No.1 Beautiful Countryside He Garden Exploring the original world No.2 -1 Exploring the original world No.1 -1 Origin of essence dual lotus Banquet Right place Right time Medusa Intuit Notation of Time·Black Jar Notation of Time·White Jar Notations of Time·Guan Lan Embroidering Spring Notations of Time·Magpie Festival Notations of Time·Concealment Plate No.1 The Loud Scream Man and Heaven The Broken Ice Lake The Immature Feather Lost Connection Rose Valley Thirty-Three Layers Sense No.2 The Origin Untitled No.32 Notation of Time No.17 Notation of Time No.12 Hi Chronicles No.1 2012 1963 Water No.4 Faramita No.4 Faramita No.2 Beginning of Autumn Pure Brightness Grain in Ear Beginning of Spring Rain Water Slight Heat Grain Full Slight Cold Summer Solstice Beginning of Winter Waking of Insects Grain Rain Great Snow Great Heat Great Cold Spring Equinox Light Snow White Dew Winter Solstice Cold Dew e Limit of Heat Ruiguang Pagoda Autumnal Equinox Buddha LightPianshishan House - Exhibition of Works by Shen Qin and Chen Qi Asia Art Center (Beijing) .ChinaBeiJing
Liang Garden Creatures-No.1 Mountain House of Sliced Stones Valley of Clouds Heart Mirror Couryard Window No.2 Couryard Window No.1Right Place Right Time—Artworks by Keisei Kobayashi & Chen Qi Asia Art Center (Beijing) .ChinaBeiJing
Medusa The Origin 1963 Dance of Lotus Lotus No.5 Erhu No.4 Ruan Tang Pattern Blue and White Porcelain Bowl Fan No.2 Fan No.1The Physics of "Chen Qi" Deji Art Museum .ChinaNanJing
Sperturbed No.2 Notation of Time·White Jar Embroidering Spring The Loud Scream The Broken Ice Lake Sea of Desire 16.5cm 12cm The Surface of Time Thirty-Three Layers Eight Chairs The Uncertain Truth No.3 Sense No.1 Untitled No.32 Untitled No.16 Untitled No.15 Untitled No.14 Untitled No.12 Untitled No.9 Untitled No.8 Untitled No.5 Untitled No.2 Untitled No.1 Under the Pine Tree Notation of Time No.19 Notation of Time No.12 Notation of Time No.11 Notation of Time No.3 Chronicles No.2 Time Flows like Water No.3 Metaphysics Faramita No.4 Faramita No.2 Faramita No.1 Spring Outing Winter of 1987 Fish in the Water No.2 Fish in the Water No.1 Lotus No.16 Beginning of Autumn Pure Brightness Grain in Ear Beginning of Spring Rain Water Slight Heat Grain Full Slight Cold Summer Solstice Beginning of Winter Waking of Insects Grain Rain Great Snow Great Heat Great Cold Spring Equinox Light Snow White Dew Winter Solstice Cold Dew e Limit of Heat Ruiguang Pagoda Autumnal Equinox Position No.9 Position No.7 Position No.5 Position No.4 Position No.3 Position No.2 Mellow Breeze Erhu No.3 Erhu No.1 Zither Pipa Guqin Bridge Tang Pattern Blue and White Porcelain Bowl Peaches on the Table No.3 Peaches on the Table No.2 Peaches on the Table No.1 Table No.2 Table No.1 Chair No.2 Chair No.1 Fan No.2 Fan No.1 Sweet Cherry Painted Flowers and Birds on Porcelain Bowl Teapot Call of SilenceImprint Plurality Asia Art Center (Beijing) .ChinaBeiJing
The Loud Scream Sea of Desire 12cm The Uncertain Truth No.3 Awake No.1 Pipa Sense No.2 2015-5 Untitled No.32The Time of ChenQi-1983-2016 The Peninsula Museum .ChinaShangHai
Notations of Time · The Uncertain existence Notations of Time · The Four Seasons Notation of Time·Black Jar Notation of Time·White Jar Notation of Time·Chu Ci Notations of Time·Guan Lan A Hundred Million Light Years Embroidering Spring NO.2 Plate No.1 Scrap Gold (Triptych) Lost Connection The Origin Notation of Time No.19 Notation of Time No.18 Notation of Time No.16 Notation of Time No.15 Notation of Time No.14 Notation of Time No.13 Notation of Time No.12 Notation of Time No.3 Water No.7 Water No.6 Hearing the Spring Faramita No.3 Dreaming of Butterfly No.2 Dreaming of Butterfly No.1 Fish in the Water No.2 Fish in the Water No.1 Interpretation of Existence Dance of Lotus Lotus No.9 Lotus No.8 Lotus No.5 Spring Equinox Light Snow Position No.2 Position No.1 Couryard Window No.2 Erhu No.4 Erhu No.1 Zither Guqin Tang Pattern Blue and White Porcelain Bowl Table No.2 Table No.1 Chair No.1 Fan No.2 Fan No.1 Painted Flowers and Birds on Porcelain Bowl LifeShen Qin&Chen Qi Art Exhibition Asia Art Center (Beijing) .ChinaBeiJing
Arab Notation of Time·Rainbow Notation of Time·Chu Ci Lost Connection The Cloud - Ten No.2 The Cloud - Ten No.1 Reencounter Pear Blossom Under the Pine Tree Notation of Time No.19 Notation of Time No.17 Notation of Time No.11 Chronicles No.1 1912 The WaterThe Plural Art of Digital Era Amy Li Gallery .ChinaBeiJing
Notation of Time·Black Jar Notation of Time·White Jar Notations of Time·Guan Lan Scrap Gold (Triptych) Lost Connection No.17 Lost Connection No.1 Rose Valley Reencounter Pear Blossom Playing Qin under the PineⅢ Chronicles No.2 Chronicles No.1 2012 Water No.11 Water No.10 Water No.6 The WaterNations of Time-ChenQi Art Exhibition National Museum of China .ChinaBeiJing
Notations of Time · Moon Imprint Notations of Time · The Excursion Notations of Time · The World of Mortals Notations of Time · Integral World Notation of Time·Rainbow Notation of Time·Chu Ci A Hundred Million Light Years Notation of Time No.17 Notation of Time No.16 Notation of Time No.15 Notation of Time No.14 Notation of Time No.13 Notation of Time No.10 Notation of Time No.5 Notation of Time No.3 Hi Chronicles No.2 Chronicles No.1 2012 Water No.12 Image No.1 Hearing the Spring Chinese Landscape Metaphysics Buddha's Mudra Faramita No.5 Faramita No.4 Faramita No.3 Faramita No.2 Faramita No.1 Dreaming of Butter y No.3 Dreaming of Butterfly No.2 Dreaming of Butterfly No.1 Winter of 1987 Fish in the Water No.2 Fish in the Water No.1 Interpretation of Space-time Interpretation of Existence Pure BrightnessSalute Paper Paper Hammer .United States of AmericaSeattle
Fish in the Water No.2 Fish in the Water No.1 Interpretation of Space-time Interpretation of Existence Dance of Lotus Charming Lotus Lotus No.16 Lotus No.12 Lotus No.11 Lotus No.10 Lotus No.9 Lotus No.8 Lotus No.7 Lotus No.6 Lotus No.5 Lotus No.4 Lotus No.2 Lotus No.1ChenQi Watermark Print Exhibition Lotus Gallery .ChinaWuHan
Dance of Lotus Lotus No.4 Lotus No.2 Lotus No.1 Hillside Autumn Water Trade Wind Mellow Breeze Gentle Tree Wanding The Pond at Sunset Farmlands The Pond Reed Carkins Song Bridge Mountain Winds Brae of Nan Ping Pot Breeze Blowing over the MountainsNations of Time Amelie Gallery .ChinaBeiJing
Notations of Time · The Original Book (Black) Notations of Time · History, Present, Future Plate No.1 Notation of Time No.16 Notation of Time No.15 Notation of Time No.14 Notation of Time No.13 Notation of Time No.12 Notation of Time No.11 1912 Image No.1 Hearing the Spring Chinese Landscape Metaphysics Buddha's Mudra Faramita No.5 Faramita No.4 Faramita No.3 Faramita No.2 Faramita No.1 Dreaming of Butter y No.3 Dreaming of Butterfly No.2 Dreaming of Butterfly No.1 Winter of 1987 Fish in the Water No.2 Fish in the Water No.1 Interpretation of Space-time Interpretation of Existence Pure Brightness1963 Amelie Gallery .ChinaBeiJing
1963 Water No.6 Water No.4 Dreaming of Butterfly No.2 Dreaming of Butterfly No.1 Fish in the Water No.2 Fish in the Water No.1 Dance of Lotus Charming Lotus Lotus No.16 Lotus No.12 Lotus No.11 Lotus No.10 Lotus No.9 Lotus No.8 Lotus No.7 Lotus No.6 Lotus No.5 Lotus No.4 Lotus No.2 Lotus No.1Chenqi Woodblock Prints 1989-2002 Glasgow Print Studio .ChinaGlasgow
Hearing the Spring Faramita No.5 Faramita No.1 Dreaming of Butterfly No.2 Dreaming of Butterfly No.1 Fish in the Water No.2 Dance of Lotus Charming Lotus Lotus No.16 Lotus No.9 Lotus No.4 Position No.1 Erhu No.1 Ruan Banboo Flute Guqin Tang Pattern Blue and White Porcelain Bowl Peaches on the Table No.3 Table No.2 Chair No.2 Chair No.1 Fan No.2Chen Qi Woodcuts Victoria and Albert Museum, V&A .ChinaLondon
Water Hillside Autumn Water Trade Wind Mellow Breeze Gentle Tree Wanding The Pond at Sunset Farmlands The Pond Reed Carkins Song Bridge Mountain Winds Brae of Nan Ping Pot Breeze Blowing over the MountainsChen Qi Woodcuts 1989-2002 Bankside Gallery .ChinaLondon
Hearing the Spring Faramita No.5 Faramita No.4 Faramita No.1 Fish in the Water No.1 Dance of Lotus Charming Lotus Lotus No.16 Lotus No.12 Lotus No.11 Lotus No.10 Lotus No.9 Lotus No.8 Lotus No.7 Lotus No.6 Lotus No.5 Lotus No.4 Lotus No.2 Lotus No.1 Position No.4 Position No.3 Position No.2 Position No.1 Position Erhu No.1 Ruan Peaches on the Table No.3 Table No.2 Chair No.2ChenQi Selected Prints Exhibition of 20 Years Dan Feng Yu Lu Art Muesum in Nanjing .ChinaNanJing
Time Flows like Water Faramita No.5 Faramita No.4 Faramita No.3 Faramita No.2 Faramita No.1 Dreaming of Butterfly No.2 Dreaming of Butterfly No.1 Fish in the Water No.1 Lotus No.16 Lotus No.7 Beginning of Autumn Grain in Ear Beginning of Spring Rain Water Slight Heat Grain Full Slight Cold Summer Solstice Beginning of Winter Waking of Insects Grain Rain Great Snow Great Heat Great Cold Spring Equinox Light Snow White Dew Winter Solstice e Limit of Heat Pipa Tang Pattern Blue and White Porcelain Bowl Chair No.1ChenQi Woodblock Prinst Frist Exhibition National Art Museum of China .ChinaBeiJing
Lotus No.4 Lotus No.2 Lotus No.1 Beginning of Autumn Rain Water Slight Heat Grain Full Slight Cold Summer Solstice Beginning of Winter Waking of Insects Grain Rain Great Snow Great Heat Great Cold Spring Equinox Light Snow White Dew Winter Solstice Cold Dew e Limit of Heat Ruiguang Pagoda Position No.7 Position No.6 Position No.5 Position No.4 Couryard Window No.2 Couryard Window No.1 Zither Sanxian Pipa Banboo Flute Guqin Tang Pattern Blue and White Porcelain Bowl Peaches on the Table No.3 Chair No.2 Chair No.1 Fan No.2 Fan No.1 Sweet Cherry Painted Flowers and Birds on Porcelain Bowl TeapotChenQi Prints Exhibition Jiangsu Art Museum .ChinaNanJing
Light Snow White Dew Winter Solstice Cold Dew e Limit of Heat Ruiguang Pagoda Autumnal Equinox Couryard Window No.2 Couryard Window No.1 Afternoon Corrosion Erhu No.4 Erhu No.3 Erhu No.2 Erhu No.1 Zither Pipa Banboo Flute Tang Pattern Blue and White Porcelain Bowl Peaches on the Table No.3 Peaches on the Table No.1 Table No.2 Chair No.1The Revival of Classics and the Reconstruction of Tradition -- The 350th Anniversary of Rong Bao Zhai Woodcut Watermark Contemporary Art Theme Exhibition The National Grand Theater .ChinaBeiJing
Encounter Xu Wenchang dual lotusArk Forum 2023 Shenzhen University Art Museum .ChinaShenZhen
Sperturbed No.2 2015-10 The OriginThe first stop of the 3rd New Noble Aesthetic Art Exhibition "All Things Never Stop" Jiangsu Modern Art Museum .ChinaNanJing
History of Nature Creatures A Place without Whence or Whither Conditioned Existence Notations of Time · The Original Book (Black) Notation of Time·Rainbow Notation of Time·Black Jar Notation of Time·White Jar Notations of Time·Guan Lan Plate No.1 The Origin Notation of Time No.20 Notation of Time No.19 Notation of Time No.14 Notation of Time No.13 Notation of Time No.12 Notation of Time No.11 Notation of Time No.6 1912The "Multidimensional" Series Exhibition of Chinese Gardens - Windows, the Eyes of Gardens China Garden Museum .ChinaBeiJing
2015-10Talking on Paper - Contemporary Art Exhibition of Chinese Paper Culture Zhejiang Art Museum .ChinaHangZhou
The Cloud Cube10 Notations of Time · The World of MortalsThe 2nd Neo-Subline Aesthetics Art Exhibition,The Moving UTOPIA START&RETURN 798 Art District art factory .ChinaBeiJing
ParadisePavilion of the P. R. China at the 58th International Art Exhibition La Biennale Di Venezia Chengdu Eastern Suburb International Art Exhibition Center .ChinaChengDou
A Place without Whence or Whither The Born and Expansion of 2012 Sperturbed No.2 2012 Fish in the Water No.1 Interpretation of Existence Dance of LotusPavilion of the P. R. China at the 58th International Art Exhibition La Biennale Di Venezia Guardian Art Center .ChinaBeiJing
A Place without Whence or Whither The Born and Expansion of 2012 The Cloud Cube10 Notations of Time · The Four SeasonsI Am Here—Chinese Printmaking Studios Union Exhibition Guangdong Art Museum .ChinaGuangZhou
The Immature Feather Sea of Desire Awake No.2 Sense No.1 2015-6 Untitled No.32 Untitled No.12 Untitled No.8Capacity Tension—the fourth Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition China Art Museum .ChinaShangHai
The Cloud Cube10Zero—Shen Qin, Chen Qi Art Exhibition Asia Art Center(Taipei ) .ChinaTaibei
Fable Rose Valley Pipa Flute Sonata 2015-11 2015-9 2015-8 2015-5 2015-4 The Origin The Cloud - Ten No.1 The WaterChinese Contemporary Printmaking Exhibition China Printmaking Museum .ChinaShenZhen
The Immature Feather Rose ValleyPrint in the Post-Print: The First CAA Printmaking Biennial China Academy of Art Art Museum .ChinaHangZhou
1963The Twelfth National Art Exhibition National Art Museum of China .ChinaBeiJing
Be RewardedARTWORK:
Notations of Time · The World of Mortals Notation of Time·Rainbow Notation of Time·Ting Yu Notation of Time·Chu Ci Notations of Time·Devouring Snow Notations of Time·Devouring Snow Notations of Time·Guan Lan Notations of Time·Guan Lan Notations of Time·Magpie Festival Notations of Time·Magpie FestivalBeing Here-Chinese Printmaking Studios Union Exhibition Jiangsu Art Museum .ChinaNanJing
Notation of Time No.19 WaterBlank to Blank Inframince Exhibition II Soka Art Center .ChinaBeiJing
Notation of Time No.19 WaterThe fifth Beijing International Biennale National Art Museum of China .ChinaBeiJing
Be RewardedARTWORK:
Chronicles No.2The Second Academic Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Printmaking Today Art Museum .ChinaBeiJing
Notations of Time · The Uncertain existenceThe Third Guanlan International Print Biennale Shenzhen Guanlan Print Museum .ChinaShenZhen
The Cloud Cube10Multiple Impressions: Chinese Contemporary Woodblock Prints Exhibition University of Michigan Museum of Art .United States of AmericaWashtenaw.Michigan
Notations of Time · The Original Book (Black) Notation of Time No.11 Water No.7Three-dimensional China—Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibiton Exhibition hall of Thessaloniki Journalists' Association, Gr .GreeceThessaloniki
Notation of Time No.2 Water No.5 Lotus No.10 GuqinRevival of Tradition—Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition Contemporary Art Museum in Frankfurt, Germany .GermanyFrankfurt
Water No.6 Lotus No.9The Third Beijing Internitional Art Biennale National Art Museum of China .ChinaBeiJing
Be RewardedARTWORK:
WaterChina Modern Woodblock Print Exhibition Shenzhen Art Museum .ChinaShenZhen
Face3 Fan No.1The Tenth National Art Exhibition National Art Museum of China .ChinaBeiJing
Be SelectedARTWORK:
Chinese LandscapeJiangsu Province New Creations in Print Exhibition Jiangsu Art Museum .ChinaNanJing
Be RewardedARTWORK:
Water Time Flows like Water Dreaming of Butterfly No.1 Fish in the Water No.1The Art Exhibition of Jiangsu Province Celebrating the 55th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China Jiangsu Art Museum .ChinaNanJing
Be RewardedARTWORK:
Chinese LandscapeContemporary Ten Chinese Printmakers' Works UK Tour Exhibition The buinside gallery .ChinaCambridge, UK
Chinese Landscape Dreaming of Butter y No.3 Lotus No.12 Erhu No.1The Today China Art Exhibition Millennium Art Museum .ChinaBeiJing
Be SelectedARTWORK:
Dreaming of Butter y No.3 Dreaming of Butterfly No.2 Dreaming of Butterfly No.1The First Beijing International Art Biennale, China National Art Museum of China .ChinaBeiJing
Be SelectedARTWORK:
Dreaming of Butterfly No.1The Second Chinese Art Golden Colour Exhibition Yanhuang Art Museum .ChinaBeiJing
Be RewardedARTWORK:
Fish in the Water No.1Chinese Printmaking Today The British Library .ChinaLondon
Dreaming of Butterfly No.1 Lotus No.6 Erhu No.2 Zither Pipa GuqinThe Fifteenth National Woodcut Works Exhibition Guangdong Art Museum .ChinaGuangZhou
Be RewardedARTWORK:
Dreaming of Butterfly No.1JiangSu Woodcut Works Exhibition Guangdong Art Museum .ChinaGuangZhou
Be RewardedARTWORK:
Dreaming of Butterfly No.1The Ninth National Art Exhibition National Art Museum of China .ChinaBeiJing
Be RewardedARTWORK:
Fish in the Water No.2The Fourteenth National Woodcut Works Exhibition Sichuan Art Museum .ChinaChengDou
Be SelectedARTWORK:
Interpretation of ExistenceThe First Art Festival of Jiangsu Province Jiangsu Art Museum .ChinaNanJing
Be RewardedARTWORK:
Scenery SchemaExhibition of Excellent Modern Chinese Art Works Kuala Lumpur .IndonesiaKuala Lumpur
Be SelectedARTWORK:
Fan No.1The Thirteenth National Woodcut Works Exhibition Jiangsu Art Museum .ChinaNanJing
Be RewardedARTWORK:
Lotus No.16The Eighth International Exhibition of Paintings in India Jiangsu Art Museum .ChinaNanJing
Be SelectedARTWORK:
Fan No.1The Eighth National Art Exhibition National Art Museum of China .ChinaBeiJing
Be RewardedARTWORK:
Lotus No.6The Twelfth National Woodcut Works Exhibition Shenzhen Art Museum .ChinaShenZhen
Be SelectedARTWORK:
Lotus No.6Jiangsu Print Exhibition and the Second Exhibition of Jiangsu Print Academy Jiangsu Art Museum .ChinaNanJing
Be RewardedARTWORK:
Beginning of WinterThe Eleventh National Woodcut Works Exhibition Ningxia Art Museum .ChinaYinChuan
Be RewardedARTWORK:
Erhu No.4Taipei-Beijing Contemporary Print Exhibition CAFA Art Museum .ChinaBeiJing
Be RewardedARTWORK:
GuqinThe Fourth National Three-Edition Exhibition Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts .ChinaNanJing
Be SelectedARTWORK:
WaterThe International Print Biennale in Biella, Italy Shanghai Art Museum .ChinaShangHai
Be RewardedARTWORK:
Chair No.2The Tenth National Woodcut Works Exhibition National Art Museum of China .ChinaBeiJing
Be SelectedARTWORK:
GuqinThe Exhibition of Young Printmakers from Mainland the Gallery Triform in Taiwan .ChinaTaibei
Be RewardedARTWORK:
Table No.1One Hundred Renowned Printmakers from Mainland Exhibition Yunnan Art Museum .ChinaKunMing
Be SelectedARTWORK:
Couryard Window No.2 Couryard Window No.1The Third National Three-edition Exhibition Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum .ChinaGuangZhou
Be SelectedARTWORK:
PerpetualThe Twelfth National Art Exhibition Outstanding Works Award
The fifth Beijing International Biennale Outstanding Works Award
The Third Beijing Internitional Art Biennale The Bronze Prize
Jiangsu Province New Creations in Print Exhibition The Gold Award
The Second Chinese Art Golden Colour Exhibition Outstanding Award
The Fifteenth National Woodcut Works Exhibition The Bronze Prize
JiangSu Woodcut Works Exhibition Outstanding Works Award
The Ninth National Art Exhibition The Bronze Prize
The First Art Festival of Jiangsu Province Special Outstanding Award
JiangSu Woodcut Works Exhibition Outstanding Works Award
The Thirteenth National Woodcut Works Exhibition The Gold Award
The Eighth National Art Exhibition Outstanding Works Award
JiangSu Woodcut Works Exhibition Creation Award
Jiangsu Print Exhibition and the Second Exhibition of Jiangsu Print Academy Outstanding Works Award
The Eleventh National Woodcut Works Exhibition The Bronze Prize
JiangSu Woodcut Works Exhibition Outstanding Creation Award
Taipei-Beijing Contemporary Print Exhibition Excellence Award
China Youth Print Exhibition Creation Award
The International Print Biennale in Biella, Italy Special Award
The Exhibition of Young Printmakers from Mainland The Silver Prize
The Seventh National Art Exhibition The Bronze Prize
JiangSu Woodcut Works Exhibition Outstanding Works Award
CAFA Art Museum ChinaBeiJing
Collections: Soul Kiss Infinite approximation Rain in Jiangnan Unfinished Journey MillenniumChina Printmaking Museum ChinaShenZhen
Collections: Soul Kiss Infinite approximation Rain in Jiangnan Unfinished Journey MillenniumShenzhen Art Museum ChinaShenZhen
Collections: Fan No.1Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taipei ChinaTaibei
Collections: ArabJiangsu Art Museum ChinaNanJing
Collections: Soul Kiss Infinite approximation Rain in Jiangnan Unfinished Journey Millennium Lotus No.16 Table No.1Shanghai Art Museum ChinaShangHai
Collections: Notation of Time No.3Zhejiang Art Museum ChinaHangZhou
Collections: Notations of Time · The Original Book (Black) Notations of Time · History, Present, Future Notations of Time · Moon Imprint Notations of Time · The Four Seasons Notations of Time · The Excursion Notations of Time · Autumn Water Notations of Time · The World of Mortals Notations of Time · Integral World The Uncertain Truth ZitherGuangdong Art Museum ChinaGuangZhou
Collections: Dreaming of Butterfly No.1Qingdao Art Museum ChinaQingDao
Collections: Chair No.1Shenzhen Painting Academy ChinaShenZhen
Collections: Soul Kiss Infinite approximation Rain in Jiangnan Unfinished Journey MillenniumCommittee of the Second Chinese Art Golden Colour Exhibition ChinaBeiJing
Collections: Fish in the Water No.1Shanghai Branch of Shanghai Artists Association ChinaShangHai
Collections: BridgeShenzhou Print Museum ChinaZhengZhou
Collections: Interpretation of ExistenceVictoria & Albert Museum ChinaLondon
Collections: WaterBritish Museum ChinaLondon
Collections: Soul Kiss Infinite approximation Rain in Jiangnan Unfinished Journey MillenniumHebei Art Museum ChinaShiJiaZhuang
Collections: Soul Kiss Infinite approximation Rain in Jiangnan Unfinished Journey MillenniumGuiyang Art Museum ChinaGuiYang
Collections: The Surface of TimeTokyo National Academy of Fine Arts JapanTokyo
Collections: Guqin[关于水印木刻] Introduction to Waterprint Woodcut /w.p.w .2021
[关于水印木刻] Dual Function and Multiple Forms of Waterprint Woodcut /w.p.w .2021
[关于水印木刻] Physical Features and Cultural Attributes of Waterprint Woodcut /w.p.w .2020
[关于水印木刻] History Of The Chinese Waterprint Woodcut /w.p.w .2020